This is a union and why you should be a member

This is a union and why you should be a member

A trade union, or union, is an organisation that represents you and your co-workers in discussions with your employer. Trade unions work to protect our interests and rights and negotiate salaries, insurance, holidays, pensions and much more. Being in a trade union makes us stronger together.

In brief

  • The union negotiates a lot of conditions for employees. For example, salary, insurance, holidays, pension and much more.
  • Your trade union can help you in negotiations with your employer.
  • There are different trade unions depending on the sector you work in. That’s why your workplace trade union is an expert in your sector and is best placed to help you.
  • Trade unions are responsible for several major changes in society. For example, we have an 8-hour working day, at least 5 weeks of holiday and the right to parental leave.
  • A trade union with many members is more likely to have influence.

When do I need the union?  

Sometimes things don’t turn out the way you expect them to. Are you and your manager not getting along? Have you not received the salary you were due? Then it’s nice not to be alone. If a problem arises at work, the union is on your side. That’s why it’s important that you become a member.

What do I gain from joining a trade union? 

Your union negotiates many things for you. For example, if your employer has a collective agreement, you are entitled to a minimum level of pay, holidays, pension, insurance and much more.  

Trade union membership gives you protection at work that you would otherwise lack.

Which union should I join?

In Sweden, we have divided industries and professions between different trade unions. So the trade union responsible for your sector is an expert in your particular job. You can find out more about which one to choose here.  

In Sweden, many people are members of a trade union, or unionised as it is also called. This means the union density is high. With more people in the union, wages improve. In other comparable countries where fewer people are unionised, the pay gap is wider.

How can trade unions become stronger?

If many employees are members of a trade union, this increases the strength of any negotiations the union has with the employer. The more of us there are, the more influence we have.

If you aren’t a member of a trade union, it’s a good idea to join one today! 

Not sure which is your union? Visit hittadittfackfö!